02 Oct 5 Supplements To Support Your Immune System
Can supplements really support your immune health? The answer is yes, if you choose the right ones.
The children are back to school, the autumn weather is most certainly here and increasing numbers of us are falling prey to ‘the worst cold ever‘. Never has it been more important to support our immune health. One way that you can protect yourself by optimising your levels of immune-essential nutrients, needed for helping your body defend itself against infection.
Here are five supplements that will help support your immune system.
Probably the most well known immune system nutrient. Vitamin C supports cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. It is essential for healthy immunity and there have even been cases where vitamin C has been used by hospitals to help treat coronavirus. (That said, you should always take advice from your medical practitioner if you are unwell). As well as oranges, many other fruits and vegetables provide vitamin C. Peppers, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, tomatoes and berries are all good sources. Aim to include them in your diet regularly.
Supplement it: YourZooki’s Liposomal Vitamin C.
Vitamin D is an essential immune nutrient. It acts to regulate inflammation and increase macrophage (a white blood cell) function. However, it is also one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in Britain. Sunlight is our primary source of vitamin D so getting out in the daylight is important, however, this alone is often not enough. The government advises that we all supplement vitamin D during autumn and winter months, as well as during lockdown. Evidence suggests vitamin D supplementation may prevent upper respiratory infections so it’s worth taking a daily dose..
Supplement it: Try BetterYou’s range of vitamin D spray supplements.
Read more: Why Vitamin D Is More Important Than Ever Right Now
Zinc is known to play an essential role in the immune system people who are deficient have an increased susceptibility to a variety of infections. This mineral is required to heal wounds and fight infections so aim to get the recommended minimum of 15mg per day. Up your intake with zinc rich foods including organic red meat, fish, organic eggs, beans and nuts.
Supplement it: Viridian’s Balanced Zinc Complex.
An estimated 70-80% of our body’s immune system is in the gut in the form of beneficial probiotic bacteria. You can find probiotics in fermented soya products such as miso and tempeh. Try adding Clearsprings Brown Rice Miso to soups, stews, bean dishes and sauces to enhance flavour and give your gut a beneficial bacteria boost.
Supplement it: Symprove.
My go-to supplement if I feel as though I am coming down with something is UnBEElievable Health Bee Prepared Max Strength. It contains therapeutic levels of immune-supporting ingredients. The formulation includes bee propolis, black elderberry, olive leaf, beta glucans and other natural ingredients not normally found in our diet.
Recommended supplements can be purchased from the Natural Dispensary using our discount code PEARSON10. If you feel as though you could do with some additional support in optimising your immune health, or your general health and wellbeing, please do get in touch.