14 Feb How To Overcome Weight Loss Resistance
Weight loss resistance is an inability to lose body fat, despite being in a calorie deficit. If you’ve been consistently sticking to a healthy, balanced diet yet you’re still struggling to lose weight, you may be experiencing weight loss resistance. So why does this occur? And how can you overcome it to reach your desired weight and maintain it long term?
For many people who struggle to lose weight, the solution does not lie in diet alone. Our clients are smart women and men who typically have a good understanding of what healthy food looks like. They know that if they want to lose weight, they’re better off eating a salad over a pizza. And yet still they are experiencing challenges with managing their weight. These challenges might be around emotional eating or lack of self-prioritisation. Other times there can be an underlying physiological reason as to why the body is holding on to weight. This is referred to as weight loss resistance.
Below we will take a look at some of the causes of weight loss resistance, and how to deal with them.
We are a team of nutritionists who specialise in weight loss and we work with our clients to get to the root of what’s preventing them achieving a weight they’re happy at. If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you, schedule a complimentary call with a member of our team.
Weight loss resistance is when your body struggles to breakdown and eliminate excess body fat, despite following a dietary plan that puts you in a calorie deficit and provides an optimal macronutrient ratio. If you’ve consistently stuck to a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet and been in a calorie defect, yet you’ve still struggled to lose weight, you may well be experiencing weight loss resistance.
Weight loss resistance can have various biological causes. Four of the most common causes we see in our clinic include the menopause, hypothyroidism, stress and overactive immune disorder. We’ll explore these conditions in more detail below.
Many women we work with have found that hormonal changes in the lead to, during and after the menopause have made managing their weight increasingly challenging.
Hormonal changes during the menopause can contribute to weight gain. Low levels of oestrogen have been associated with metabolic dysfunction, increasing the risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Changes in hormone levels can also impact where on the body we store fat. Various studies have shown a link between abdominal weight gain and the menopause.
Around the menopause we can become more sensitive to certain food groups, particularly carbohydrates. A study of over 1000 women found that post-menopausal women experienced a bigger increase in blood sugar levels after eating a carbohydrate-rich meal which increases risk of weight gain, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Working with a nutritionist who takes a functional medicine approach can enable you to run tests that gives you an insight into your hormone levels. They can provide you with a diet and lifestyle plan tailored to your needs at this time of your life to effectively reduce body fat.
One of the most common causes of weight loss resistance in the clients we see. Hypo means ‘low’, so hypothyroidism relates to reduced thyroid function. It is a condition that occurs when thyroid function is compromised, one of the consequences of which is the slowing of the body’s metabolism which can result in weight gain. If you’re looking to address underactive thyroid weight gain, there are several things you can do. But first, developing a deeper understanding of the condition and how it’s affecting you personally can be helpful. This can be done through comprehensive thyroid testing.
Other symptoms of hypothyroidism may include feeling the cold, low mood, constipation, hair loss and dry skin. However, for some of our clients an inability to lose weight is their only symptom.
Increased levels of the stress hormone costisol can lead to weight loss resistance. We often see this in clients who are experiencing heightened stress in their life. Some people we work with are trying hard to lose weight but the way they are going about this is inadvertently driving up their cortisol levels and preventing weight loss. Exercising excessively whilst dropping your calorie intake too low, or fasting for extended periods when it doesn’t suit your body, can increase stress and prevent weight loss.
Stress can contribute to weight gain in a number of different ways. Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by the body. It plays a role in regulating the metabolism and excess amounts of cortisol can lead to weight gain. Studies show that chronic stress can increase the rate at which new fat cells are formed. Stress can also make you feel hungry, and you may crave highly processed foods that are high in sugar and inflammatory fats. Feeling stressed can drive non-hunger eating which can result in weight gain. Not only can stress lead to weight gain, it can lead to health issues such as depression, high blood pressure, insomnia, heart disease and anxiety.
Salivary cortisol testing can be a valuable tool in identifying how stress is impacting your body and could be contributing to weight loss resistance. The good news is that much can be done to return the body’s cortisol output to normal and enable fat loss.
A lesser known cause of weight loss resistance. This term was coined by functional nutritionist Vince Pitstick. Overactive immune disorder is a condition where the body’s immune system malfunctions causing a range of symptoms, including an inability to lose weight. This can occur as a result of viruses including Covid-19. Other causes that can be related to or independent of the above include elevated systemic inflammation and insulin resistance.
Supporting the body in healing from overactive immune disorder and returning to a state of optimal health will enable to body to let go of excess body fat. This process requires a specific dietary and supplements protocol which evolves over a period of time.
If you’re struggling to lose weight, the first thing to do is identify the root cause. As nutritionists who take a functional medicine approach to weight loss we are always looking to get to the root cause of what’s led to our client’s weight gain.
How do we do this? When we see a new client we will start by taking a detailed case history in our Client Health Questionnaire. This looks at many aspects of our client’s health, diet, lifestyle, medical history, family history and more. It analyses the different systems in the body for signs of imbalance. During your initial consultation your practitioner will go through this in detail and speak with you to further evolve their understanding of your state of health.
After this, your practitioner may recommend tests to assess aspects of your health in more detail to identify what could be preventing you from effectively managing your weight.
There are many tests available to us as practitioners and our job is to identify which test(s) make most sense for you. So what tests might your practitioner recommend? Here are four of the most common tests we run when assessing weight loss resistance:
DUTCH test: A hormone test looking at levels of oestrogen, progresterone, testosterone, DHEA and more.
Thyroid profile: A comprehensive thyroid test looking at six different markers of thyroid health. This is significantly more comprehensive than standard NHS testing which typically only looks at one or two markers.
Adrenal stress test: A salivary cortisol test which assesses the body’s stress hormone levels at four or five key points over the day.
Parasite testing: Certain gut parasites can prevent successful weight loss.
Once we have got to the root cause of your weight loss resistance, we can work on implementing a plan to overcome it. What this looks like will depend on what the tests uncover. It typically involves tailored dietary guidelines, a supplement protocol and lifestyle recommendations. It may also include medical treatments from one of our partner doctors. For example, if we identify suboptimal levels of hormones, we may refer you to a hormone specialist for a bespoke hormone treatment plan. There is no one size fits all and we always create personalised plans for our clients based on their unique circumstances. Your plan may evolve over time as your body heals.
We understand how frustrating and upsetting weight loss resistance can be. We have seen many clients who have tried hard to lose weight and yet the results they’re getting aren’t what they deserve given the effort they’ve put in. The solution that’s needed is often considerably more sophisticated than eating less and exercising more.
If this sounds like you, we can help. We work with you to help you identify and overcome the root causes of your weight challenges. Our team create bespoke strategies for supporting you in achieving your happy weight and an optimal state of health. We provide you with professional guidance and practical support to get you to a weight you’re happy at. And ensure you stay there long term. If you’d like to find out how we can help you, book a complimentary call today. Or contact us to request a copy of our brochure. We look forward to hearing from you.
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