What’s The Best Diet When You’re On Ozempic?

What’s The Best Diet When You’re On Ozempic?

As weight loss injections such as Ozempic increase in popularity, more and more people contact our clinic looking for nutrition advice to accompany their weight loss medications. Food companies like Nestle are even working on food products specifically to accompany those using GLP-1 injections. For many, it is no longer a case of Ozempic or diet, but both.

While we continue to urge people to make meaningful diet and lifestyle changes to ensure healthy and lasting weight loss, we also acknowledge the appeal of so called ‘weight loss jabs’. We work with clients who are combining nutrition and lifestyle changes with methods such as weight loss injections, the Allurion Balloon and aesthetic body treatments targeting subcutaneous fat. We also recognise that many individuals who have lost weight on a weight loss injection may struggle to keep the weight off after they stop taking it, so we’re here to help with weight loss maintenance, too.

Are you wondering what you should eat when you’re on Ozempic? Or how to maintain weight loss after taking Wegovy or Manjaro? This expert guide will outline the key factors you need to take into consideration.

If you want to achieve and maintain your ideal weight, we can help. We are a team of qualified, experienced nutritionists who specialise in weight loss. Schedule your complimentary call today to find out how we can help you. 


Weight loss injections can be very effective at suppressing appetite. But it’s important to remember that as our calorie intake reduces, so does our nutrient intake. Ensuring you continue to provide your body with the essential micro and macronutrients it needs is vital. This may require supplementation; here are five supplements worth considering, alongside a high quality multivitamin.

On an ‘Ozempic diet’, meals should be based around high quality proteins, moderate servings of healthy fats and plenty of vegetables. You can accompany meals with a small portions of fibre-rich carbohydrates if you tolerate carbohydrates well and are not type 2 diabetic. However, beware that carbohydrates can be filling so should be eaten last. Protein should be prioritised and eaten first. (We’ll discuss protein in more detail in the following paragraph.) Here’s a detailed guide we put together detailing how to structure balanced meals.

The best diet to follow when taking Ozempic and other GLP-1 agonist medications is the diet that is suited to your body’s unique needs. One that provides your body with all of the vital nourishment is needs, while allowing you to effectively lose body fat. We are big believers that there is no ‘one diet fits all’. When we work with clients, we take into consideration a wide variety of health, diet and lifestyle factors when tailoring our client’s protocols. That said, there are a few key considerations we recommend that you take into account. Here is a detailed post we put together with advice around what needs incorporating in an effective diet plan for weight loss, as well as red flags to look out for: What Is The Best Diet Plan For Weight Loss.

If you believe that you would benefit from bespoke nutrition, health and lifestyle advice, along with support and accountability from a qualified nutritionist, contact us to find out how we can help you.


A primary consideration for those taking GLP-1 medications like Ozempic is ensuring optimal an intake of protein. One of the common side effects of Ozempic is muscle loss. This is not only detrimental for health and longevity, it will likely also compromise long term weight management. Muscle is metabolically active, meaning it burns more calories than other body tissues. If you lose muscle, you will also reduce your basal metabolic rate. This is the amount of calories your body burns at rest. If you’re eating three meals per day, ensure you’re consuming a palm sized portion, providing 20-30g protein, at each meal. Here is a detailed guide explaining protein requirements: Perfecting Your Protein Intake.

If you’re aware you could benefit from consuming more protein, but you’re struggling to eat enough while using weight loss injections, consider a high quality protein shake. Here are five protein powders we recommend.


When taking Ozempic, it’s recommended to avoid or limit the following foods to reduce potential side effects.

  • High-fat foods like fried foods, greasy meals, full-fat dairy products, and fatty cuts of meat.
  • Foods high in saturated and trans fats, such as whole milk, heavy cream, butter, and most red meats.
  • Sugary foods and drinks with added sugars.
  • Spicy foods, which can exacerbate digestive issues.
  • Caffeinated beverages like coffee, as caffeine can contribute to stomach upset.

Here are some of the most commonly asked food questions associated with Ozempic use.


Yes, you can eat cheese while on Ozempic. It’s not contraindicated. That said, we would advice consuming moderate amounts of, ideally organic, goat and sheep cheese. A matchbox sized portion per day at the most. Many cheeses are high in fat, which can worsen potential side effects like nausea and diarrhoea. If cheese is a food that tends to cause you digestive issues, these are likely to be worsened by weight loss injections. 


You can eat bread while taking Ozempic, but we don’t recommend consuming a significant amount. Bread can be filling and most breads are not nutrient dense. This means that if you consume a lot of bread, if may fill you up quickly given your reduced appetite, and prevent you consuming more nutrient dense foods. If you do decide to eat bread, it’s advisable to opt for minimally processed varieties. Many of the sliced supermarket breads are highly processed and we don’t recommend consuming them regularly. They’re neither supportive of health, or weight loss. Highly processed breads may also exacerbate gastrointestinal side effects. If you’re interested to learn more about the best breads to choose, as well as those to avoid, here is our guide to the healthiest breads.


Lean protein sources like skinless organic chicken or turkey breast and fish are typically fine to consume while on Ozempic. These provide high quality proteins, essential for helping to preserve muscle mass. However, it’s best to limit or avoid high-fat cuts of meat, as they can contribute to digestive issues. Ultra processed foods (UPFs) such as sausages and burgers are amongst the most likely to cause issues when you’re using weight loss injections. 

Read our guide to Ultra Processed Foods here.


Yes, following the right diet can help ease the common side effects associated with Ozempic. These side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and constipation. Avoiding high-fat, fried, and sugary foods can reduce the likelihood of experiencing gastrointestinal issues while on Ozempic. Since Ozempic and other weight loss injections such as Wegovy can suppress appetite as well as cause nausea, a proactive approach to meal planning and diet is important to ensure you don’t go without food altogether. 

Read our guide to the side effects of weight loss injections here


If you experience nausea or other gastrointestinal side effects after taking Ozempic, it’s recommended to eat bland, low-fat foods like rice cakes, rice or broths. These foods are easy to digest and less likely to worsen symptoms. Staying hydrated by drinking ice-cold water can also help manage nausea. When you can, ensure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs by eating small, well-balanced meals. Since you may not feel hungry on Ozempic, you may consider making super smoothies (like this one) containing the nutrients your body needs. Eating smaller, more frequent healthy meals can help you consume adequate nutrition and avoid feeling faint or unwell. 

Working with a qualified nutritionist will help you to balance rapid weight loss with sustainable dietary changes. This can help mitigate side effects like muscle loss and ensure you maintain your desired weight long term. 


We are a team of qualified nutritionists who specialise in weight loss. If you’re ready to overcome your weight challenges, achieve your goal weight and maintain it long term, we can help. You can use this link to book in for a complimentary call today. This is an opportunity to talk through your challenges with a member of our team and decide together whether one of our Intelligent Weight Loss programmes is right for you. Or contact us to request a copy of our brochure and we will get back to you soon.

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Linda is our Practice Coordinator, helping to keep the clinic running smoothly.


Originally from Texas, Linda completed her MBA at SDA Bocconi in Milan. Linda has worked as a Strategy Consultant across multiple industries globally in cities including Kyoto, Paris, Chicago and San Francisco. She developed an interest in nutrition whilst volunteering for an organisation that provides cooking and nutrition education to children and families.

Linda is now settled in London with her husband, two children, and her very bouncy, sociable dog.


Sarah has worked with hundreds of clients over the past decade to help them live in a healthy body that they feel confident in.

Sarah spent a large part of her teens and 20’s as a professional dancer battling with orthorexia and an unhealthy relationship with food and her body. This created a desire to understand the human body more so she could finally cut through the confusion and end the cycle of yoyo dieting. This fuelled her passion to help other women do the same.


Sarah specialises in supporting women who are struggling to lose weight due to underlying health issues. She’s helped many women manage their weight during and after the menopause, as well as clients with thyroid disease and immune system dysfunction. Sarah loves food and sharing healthy recipes with her clients. Her aim is to ensure that clients don’t feel deprived and instead, achieve their weight loss and health goals in a positive and sustainable way.


To enquire about working with Sarah, please contact us.



Ailsa is one of our most experienced practitioners. She specialises in helping clients to lose weight, develop a healthy relationship with food and finally feel comfortable in their skin. Ailsa’s mission is for everyone she works with to enjoy the journey and that working with a nutritionist should not be a punishment, but your access to a new possibility.


Ailsa is not only an experienced weight loss nutritionist, she is also a skilled coach. She helps our clients overcome emotional eating, destructive habits and self-sabotaging behaviours that have prevented successful weight loss in the past. Ailsa has spent years in clinic working with clients who have experienced yo-yo dieting and have discovered that long term weight loss is not just about eating less until you can stand it no longer.


Working with Ailsa you will be comprehensively supported, not only in improving your nutrition and lifestyle, but also your eating habits and your relationship with food. When you work on all these elements together, the results can be truly astonishing.


To enquire about working with Ailsa, please contact us.

Test Nikki is our Practice Manager, managing our team of practitioners and heading up the day-to-day running of the business. Nikki is involved in the strategic development of our practice, coming from a strong business background in town planning. A Florida girl, Nikki relocated to the UK in 2014 with her husband and two children.


Nikki is our Practice Manager, managing our team and heading up the day-to-day running of our clinic.


Coming from a background in town planning, Nikki is involved in the strategic development of our practice, continually ensuring we are delivering the very best service to our clients.

A Florida girl, Nikki relocated to the UK in 2014 where she lives with her husband, two children, and her rescue dog Skyy.


Stéphanie is a skilled nutritional therapist and functional medicine practitioner with additional training in eating disorders, disordered eating and obesity. She believes that working towards both physiological and mental health is key in achieving optimum wellbeing.


Stéphanie’s personal experience of emotional eating and the ongoing struggle to find the right support led her to combine the science of nutrition with behavioural coaching to motivate and empower her clients. She specialises in helping people who struggle with their weight and their relationship with food. She helps them develop a healthier and more peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.


To enquire about working with Stéphanie, please contact us.


Inna is passionate about supporting women on their journey to improved health and wellbeing. She believes that the solution to effective weight loss does not lie in ever more restrictive diets, but a more sophisticated approach that optimises health and vitality, as well as promoting effective weight loss.


Working with Inna you will benefit from her in-depth knowledge of female health and hormones. She will support you in developing a healthy diet, lifestyle and mindset that ensures you reach your ideal weight and maintain it in the years to come.


Inna is passionate about food with a wide repertoire of delicious healthy recipes and meal ideas to ensure your weight loss journey is as enjoyable as possible!


To enquire about working with Inna, please contact us.



Ania is a firm believer that improving your health and losing weight should be a positive, empowering journey, not one centred around deprivation.


After being diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions in her twenties, Ania spent several years educating herself on the power of food and nutrition. She put it all into practise and changed her diet and lifestyle, reversing her endometriosis and thyroid disease. After experiencing such a significant improvement in her health, Ania had a big desire to help others. She embarked on a four year journey to study nutrition, graduating from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition with distinction.


Ania specialises in autoimmunity and works with clients who have underlying health issues preventing successful weight loss. Her expertise enables her to successfully support our clients with conditions such as hypothyroidsm (underactive thyroid), PCOS and diabetes. 


To enquire about working with Ania, please contact us.

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